Simply Lavender Soap

Simply Lavender Soap


Soothes skin and lavender calms the mind. Perfect choice anytime of the day. Moisturises with organic shea butter. Mild and gentle. Coloured naturally with alkanet root. Colour may vary from batch to batch.

Full Ingredients:
Olive Oil (Sodium Olivate), Water (Aqua), Glycerine*, Coconut Oil (Sodium Cocoate), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum Parkil), Apricot Kernel Oil (Sodium Apricot Kernelate), Castor Oil (Sodium Castorate), Alkanet Root (Alkanna Tinctoria), Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula Angustifolia), Limonene*, Linalool*, Geraniol* *Indicates naturally occurring 

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